We believe children and families require secure and stable environments to survive and that is why we are providing housing.
Professional Support Services
We stand with individuals and families walking alongside them through life barriers and needs. We have weekly meetings when needed to ascertain what our client objectives are. We create supportive plans with peers in the industry and refer to proper community partners.
Resource Center / Family Planning Center
Timely supportive services that allow the client to advocate for what they need when they needed it. We also have additional resource book and referral source contacts to help our community members navigate life.
Job Training
We provide education on Commercially harvesting sea life such as clams, mussels, oysters’ scallops and commercial fishing. We also provide training to marginalized populations to work in the food and hospitality industry, landscaping, and much more.
Temporary Housing
Our Center provides individualized services using a trauma-informed approach that acknowledges the unique challenges and distress each family member is experiencing due to living with housing instability. The goal is to assist guest families with a customized plan to secure employment and permanent housing as well as a clear pathway to citizenship. PP partners up with other community resources to provide next step housing support as well as helping families with moving expenses when no other community funds are available.
A professional support services team at the Family Center triages priorities and creates a Family Stability Plan in collaboration with parents and their children. They meet weekly with a Housing and Employment Specialist to assist with housing and job searches. They also discuss needed support activities for children, determine appropriate referrals to community resources, and build life skills that progress to self-sufficiency.
The Family Center is professionally staffed at all times. After-school youth activities are available on-site when possible and referred out when there is not capacity. Residents share community recreation rooms and kitchens for preparing their own family meals. We hope to expand to have self-service laundry facilities for individuals and families.
Strategic community partnerships with PP Family Resource Center include social service agencies, employment development organizations, youth activity groups, Shelton School District, Communities in Schools, McKinney Vento, and professional programs for children and youth.
PP Resource Center provides long-term outcomes are families becoming stable, thriving and self-sufficient; a reduction in the number of families experiencing homelessness in Thurston County; and increased community partnerships that promote a seamless continuum of services to improve outcomes for the families we serve.
Pathway to Citizenship
The Dream Act Is Drafted
In 1999, the first version of what we know as the "Dream Act" was drafted but not introduced. It wasn't until 2001 when Representative Luis Gutierrez introduced the "Immigrant Children's Educational Advancement and Dropout Prevention Act of 2001"--the first version of the "Dream Act" to be introduced.
We assist with filling out USCIS documents and partnering with non-profits to help our population fill out the necessary documents to become citizen’s and break down the barriers that have prevented them from becoming citizens in the past. We acknowledge that we cannot help everyone but is our vision to help as many as possible live legally in the United States from our county who are here illegally.
Financial Literacy
Our staff helps people identify the causes of their financial concerns and make a short-term plan to address them during their stay. We provide a collaborative approach to credit and financial counseling utilizing outside professionals and agencies. Teaching people how to manage their money better through budgeting, understanding credit, learning how to set financial goals, prioritizing debt repayments when financially able as well as making effective financial decisions. Additionally, we have community financial leaders come in and teach workshops that equips individuals and communities with the financial tools they need to secure a better future through financial independence. As a second phase when they leave our program we partner up with outside organizations, allies, like minded partners to offer various longer-term programs such as credit and money management, small business development, youth financial literacy, and financial disaster recovery.